July 13, 2011


Summertime is in full swing here in California. This past week Lillian's Auntie Erin came to visit since she is on summer vacation from school for a few weeks. A visit from Lillian's Auntie is always a treat, and when we happened to run into Lillian's friend Ellie and her family on their way to Ricks Ice Cream we all jumped at the chance to enjoy a sweet summer treat with our friends. Of course Lillian choose the same pink and purple cotton candy flavored ice cream that Ellie wanted. Auntie Erin also treated Lillian to pizza, frozen yoghourt and a super-duper bubbly, bubble bath while her mom and dad enjoyed a quiet evening out on the town.

This past week also marked Lillian's first swim lesson. She has been loving spending time at the pool and we decided that she was ready to learn how to swim. She was super excited to go to swim school wearing her all pink swim outfit and learn how to swim like a penguin.

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