This past weekend we packed up the car for a road trip. With grandparents in tow headed up to Mt Shasta in the far reaches of northern California (aka
The state of Jefferson). Mt Shasta is conveniently located about halfway between Portland and San Francisco making it an ideal spot to meet up with Uncle Joe and cousins Lucas and Raquel. We rented a cabin for the weekend in Dunsmuir that was able to comfortably house the eight of us for a nice gathering of most of the Husky clan.
Mt. Shasta is a beautiful area filled with huge snow caped mountains, alpine lakes and roaring rivers. Besides the requisite shooting the breeze with the other grown ups while the kids entertain each other, we also drove up to the ski bowl on Mt Shasta, hiked from Castle Lake to Heart Lake (well everyone except Grandma Betty and Lillian), and cooled off in Lake Siskiyou.
If you are interested in seeing more pictures check out the
web album from the trip. Special thanks to Grandma Betty for actually remembering to bring a camera on the trip.
Lillian, Lucas and Raquel climbing the slopes of Mt Shasta, needless to say these three didn't make it any where near the 14,000 foot summit.
Joe, Eric, Kristen, Terry Lucas and Raquel, at Heart Lake, if you look really hard you can see some snow in the background.
Lillian and her cousins take a dip in
Castle lake after the hike to Heart lake which is located about 2/3 of the way up the ridge behind Castle lake.
Eric, Lillian and Raquel in
Lake Siskiyou with Mt Shasta in the background.
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