Lillian has become a little laundry producing machine. She spits up all over everyone's clothing including her own. So today she got to help her mommy do the laundry. She happily sat in the basket and supervised, making sure everything was done to her high standards. Then she puked all over the pile of dirty laundry, just in case it hadn't been puked on enough.
Lillian turned 4 months old recently, and last Wednesday (the 22nd) she had her 4 month checkup. She now weighs 13 lbs. 5 oz. and is 24 1/2 inches long. Apparently she is now in the 50th percentile for both height and weight and in the 75th percentile if you calculate it based on her due date. Lillian put on a little show for the doctor by holding her head up, and doing little push-ups from her tummy. Her pediatrician was very impressed that Lillian had gotten so big, and was doing things that 4 month old, full term babies can do.
Of course it wouldn't be a doctor's visit if she didn't get some shots. She seemed to handle them better this time than last. There wasn't even any noticeable swelling from the tetanus shot. She has been more sleepy and cranky the rest of the week, which we think is her immune system responding to the shots.
On Saturday we went to our neighborhood's ice cream social. Then we had to go back on Sunday, because that's when it was really scheduled as opposed to when Kristen thought it was. There was free ice cream, bouncy houses and lots of other babies. There has been quite a baby boom in the neighborhood so Lillian will have lots of future play mates. Lillian got to play in the grass and look at all the trees, then she took a nap. It's good to be a baby, especially when you can almost sit up by yourself for a bit.
Lillian also enjoyed hanging out on Eric's shoulders over the weekend. Yes there is a hand there supporting her, but she is holding up her head all by herself. Hooray for head control.
We also read the newspaper together, she likes the way it crinkles when the pages turn. . .
Then Eric was playing on the floor with Lillian when Nash sidled up. Poor Nash never gets to play anymore, so he inserted himself into the ongoing game on the floor.
Lillian is developing great head control and is becoming more and more playful. Eric has fun playing airplane with his little girl.
Lillian finally got to meet her uncle Joe and her four year old cousin Raquel. Raquel was very excited to meet her new baby cousin and Nash. We hear that she has been carrying around a baby doll named Lillian and a little stuffed dog name Nash.
Raquel is a very active little girl, she had a great time playing with Nash, who is her very first doggy friend. Raquel is a good little hiker, we all went for a two mile hike and Raquel managed to get back to the car before everyone else. She declared that she "winned" us all. She certainly is a winner. Eric and Joe also found time to brew some beer since they both enjoy home brewing.
Lillian also enjoyed joining in on the dinner conversation. She is becoming a very chatty little girl.
At three months old, Lillian finally gets to meet her Abuelos (Grandparents). Eric's parents Betty and Terry have two other grandchildren, Raquel and Lucas who speak Spanish as a first language. So naturally they refer to themselves and abuelos and attempt to speak Spanish to Lillian.
Here Betty gets a smile out of her. Smiling and cooing are her latest tricks.
Lillian says, "Who is this guy, and why does he keep saying, 'Hola Lillian?'"
Lillian also started playing with her toys more. The piggy is her favorite, she loves to "get the piggy".
Lillian hated baths until she was three months old, she would scream and cry. Once she got a little older she realized that baths aren't all that bad . . .
. . . and, after baths she get's to cuddle up in her fuzzy towel, not bad at all.
Now that she is all cleaned up, she gets to try on the new dress that her grandma made for her.
After two months of paternity leave, it was finally time for Eric to go back to work. By then, Lillian was starting to become more fun and less fussy. This gave Kristen a chance to get out and meet some other mommies. Fellow hikers Julia and Amy are also bloggers. Here's a picture of Kristen and Lillian with their hiking group, strollerhikes. Nash even gets to come along too sometimes.
It was also around this time that Lillian started to become more social and playful. This video captures some of her fist little coos.